Is Skateboarding Hard? – A Perfect Answer to Your Question
There are a lot of people who ask “is skateboarding hard?” and wonder why it feels so difficult to beginners.
The answer is that skateboarding isn’t actually all that hard. When you first start, you may feel like you’re not getting anywhere but the truth is that progress will come quickly if you just put in the time.
We’ll go over some tips for choosing your setup, how long it takes to learn, and what gear might be best for your skill level below!
Is Skateboarding Hard For Adults?
Skateboarding isn’t for everyone. If you’re not sure whether or not it’s the right sport for you, then before investing in any gear take a look at some of these typical reasons why people find skateboarding hard to learn!
– It feels like your feet are slipping out from under you every time they go on top of the board
– You can’t balance well enough when doing turns because there is nothing below them to support their weight and guide them through the turn
There are many different styles of skating, so if one doesn’t work then another might be more suited to your needs. For example, longboards seem easier than shortboards since beginners don’t have as much speed or control with those types of boards
Is Skateboarding Hard For Kids?
Most people would agree that skateboarding isn’t an easy sport to learn. Kids, however, may find it a little easier due to their small size and lighter weight!
It’s important for parents with kids who want to start skating to make sure they get the right board for them. The best way is by learning more about what type of gear works well at different skill levels below.
We’ll also go over how long it takes on average before your child will be able to ride without any help or assistance from you. Let’s take a look at some tips in order to decide which equipment might work best for beginner children trying out this new hobby!
Choosing The Right Skateboarding Setup For Kids
One of the first things to consider when deciding which setup is best for your child’s skill level is their age. For example, a board with softer wheels will be more appropriate for younger children who have less balance and may fall down when trying to ride without assistance or supervision from an adult.
The smaller wheel size allows them to get up more easily after they’ve fallen over. On the other hand, soft wheels that come on boards designed for beginners also means these rides won’t go as fast as those with hard wheels; so if speed becomes important later on in skating- it will be difficult to transition into harder setups! This can lead to frustration at higher levels of skateboarding.
The next thing to consider is the weight of your child. Younger children will need a lighter board since they are less able to balance and more likely to fall down when riding, while an older teen may do better with a heavier set up for stability.
Paying attention to these details can mean the difference between a smooth ride or one that’s frustrating! So make sure you take into account their age and weight before choosing which setup is best for them- because it matters!
Children typically start out as beginners but then progress through different levels after mastering each skill set from beginner up to expert level. A novice skater might be ready for hard wheels if they have good balance control and are confident in performing jumps without assistance
Choosing The Right Skateboarding Setup For Adults
Similarly, for adults who are beginners, a setup with soft wheels and “Cruiser” trucks is recommended. The softer wheels make it easier to learn the basics of skateboarding while gaining momentum on ramps or small hills
However, if you are looking for speed then you will want to take a look at the harder wheels in addition to “Street” trucks which have smaller wheelbases and are good for grinding rails or curbs
How To Overcome Fears While Skateboarding
As you get more skilled, your fears of skating will fade away. If fear is holding you back and you want to push past it, then we recommend trying a double set up for those who are looking to do some downhill skateboarding
Overcoming your fears will help you significantly in learning to ride. However, it is more of a psychological process that will fade away as you practice.
What Makes It So Hard For Beginners To Learn Skateboarding?
Ramps or small hills. For those who are looking for speed, you will want to take a look at the harder wheels in addition to “Street” trucks which have smaller wheelbases and are good for grinding rails or curbs.
As you get more skilled, your fears of skating will fade away. If fear is holding you back and you want to push past it, then we recommend trying a double set up for those who are looking to do some downhill skateboarding.
Overcoming your fears will help you significantly in learning to ride. However, it is more of a psychological process that will fade away as you practice.
There’s nothing inherently hard about skateboarding–it just doesn’t come naturally as walking does. You will experience a lot of physical pain and mental stress in the beginning so don’t be discouraged.
Skateboarding can be tough if it is your first time trying to learn how to do tricks, but as you get better at skating you will feel more confident on ramps or hills.
The best way for a beginner to start skateboarding is with a board that has softer wheels like “Cruisercide” which are good for practicing balance without losing too much speed while doing flatground moves.
You could also try experimenting with different trucks such as “Street” trucks which have smaller wheelbases and are good for grinding rails or curbs.
As you get more skilled, your fears of skating will fade away. If fear is holding you back, there are tons of skate parks in every city that have lines for beginners to practice the basics with less fear.
After you get a feel for how it feels, you will be hooked on skating and your fears won’t even matter anymore.
Another way to overcome this is by teaching yourself tricks at home or purchasing instructional videos online from Youtube channels like “SKATELINE”.
Some popular tutorials include the ollie tutorial (the first trick most beginner skaters learn), kickflip tutorial, heelflip tutorial, 50-50 grind(kicktail)tutorial, etc…
The best thing about kicking off your own little skateboarding career is learning new things as you go! As long as you stay positive and try hard every day.
Last Minute Thoughts
Skateboarding is a really great hobby that has been around for the past 50 years! It’s one of those things that you never grow tired of doing and there are so many different skate parks, shops, events to explore. All-time high: Skaters value their gear just like an athlete values theirs so it may get competitive when they’re at the park but it’s all in good fun!
I hope this article helps out beginners who have thought about trying skating – I know how hard skating feels because I was once a beginner too 🙂
If you’ve got any questions or want some more advice on what a new skater should do next then please reach out by commenting your questions.